MARA School

On Friday, I received my confirmation email. This confirmed that it was definitely Malaysia I am going to. I was also told that I will be working as an English assistant in a MARA School.

MARA is a chain of mixed gender boarding schools which have around 48 different locations. I am still not 100% sure which site I will be going to.

I was informed that my departure date will be on or around the third week in August.

Now that I know most of the details, everything seems so real!! I’m really looking forward to going. Thank you all again for all your support.

Craft Fair

Yesterday, we held a coffee afternoon and craft fair in Strathbrock Church Hall. This was a huge success and we managed to make £631. This takes me one step closer to meeting my target.

I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that was involved and to everyone that came along.