Kuala Lumpur

I’m writing this quickly before I get kicked off the wifi again!

We made it to KL on Friday but had to wait for about 2 hours before meeting our country rep, Jothee, because we arrived at the airport at the same time as the Bronze medal Olympians.

We eventually met Jothee and her husband , Taras, and got our picture at the airport to send back home to show we’re still alive!

We made a trip to McDonald’s before heading to the Homestay we’re living in for the 4 days we had in KL.

We didn’t do much else the first day, just unpacked and went to a Chinese restaurant and tried everything!
On Saturday morning, we started off with a typical Malay breakfast. Everything over here is revolved around food! This breakfast was a crepe type thing which was filled with either banana, egg or cheese.

We headed to Batu Caves and climbed the 276 steps to the top. In what I thought would be a touristy place, I was shocked to find we were the only white people and everyone would want their picture with us! 

We stopped by the KLCC Twin Towers which, according to Jothee, were given to different companies for building and they raced each other to see who could finish first. She never told us who won though!

Thai food was on the menu for dinner. I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever be hungry again.
On Sunday, we went to Little India for breakfast before going to Central Market. Afterwards, we walked along Chinatown, then went shopping for our Baju Kurung’s (traditional Malay clothes).

Monday was a lazy start as Jothee didn’t pick us up until 2. We went to the IT mall to get our SIM cards, then Jothee gave us our briefing for our projects.
On Tuesday, we headed to the MARA building to meet Marwati – the director of MARA – and representatives from each of the 3 schools we were going to. 

From left to right: Jothee; Holly; Holly; Kyle; Marwati; Reagan; Me; Amy (rep from MRSM Lenggong); Lyall

After our meeting, we headed our separate directions. And now, here we are! (More information on MRSM Lenggong to follow).
Kuala Lumpur is a beautiful city, but I have never realised how good drivers back home are! I think even my dad is better than everyone here!

One comment

  1. Dad · August 25, 2016

    “even my dad……” – just remember, it won’t be that long till you’re home and looking for a lift somewhere, like Aberdeen!!!


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