
We survived the water park and made it to Penang! Coincidentally, we went to Penang at the same time my family were going to Arran. I know which ferry I would’ve rather been on!!

Yes, the ferry was…erm…interesting but we got there so I’m not complaining!

It was a full on week, exploring snake temples and monkey beaches.

Unfortunately, it was too full on for me and I was the unlucky one that managed to fall ill. I’m on my second course of antibiotics now so hopefully I’m on the mend!

If I’m being perfectly honest, the whole week was a bit of a blur. But I do know I had a great time and that Penang is beautiful – a must see for everyone. 

But me being the stupid, non forward thinking idiot that I am, deleted the pictures from my phone so I can’t share them here for you all to see. They are however on my Facebook page so if you’re interested in seeing them, just go stalk me!

I’m back in the classroom this week. So far, classes have been going pretty well and all the kids are excited to have us helping them.

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