English Camp

Well…what can I say? English camp was pretty dull and just simply not my cup of tea (speaking of which, the cafe sold English tea which was delightful!)
I’m sure you all know that I’m a drama queen, but I hate drama and theatre. Turns out English camp wasn’t a place for students to work on their English, it was an English drama and theatre camp for students from all 52 MARA schools. Oh, and teachers had to take classes too!!

We had to get up so early for yoga on Saturday morning and body combat on Sunday (we ‘accidentally’ slept in for that one), then do sessions on text analysis and directing and whatever other nerdy drama stuff there is.

This morning, we watched the plays that the students wrote themselves. There were so many groups so it was pretty hard to stay focused on all of them, but they were all good (obviously the two groups with Lenggong students in them were the best).

We’re on our way to KL where we will spend 4 days before moving on to Vietnam.

I’ll do a post after we’ve visited each city in each country. Just so you’re prepared, we’re visiting;

* Ho Chi Minh City

* Hanoi

* Halong Bay

* Phnom Penh 

* Siem Reap

* Bangkok
* Phi Phi

* Phuket

We have some pretty cool and fun things planned, but you’ll have to read about them later!

One comment

  1. Judith · November 28, 2016

    Sounded delightful 🙂

    Enjoy the next stage of your adventures. xXx


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