What should hopefully be the last key update

We went and got new keys cut. Lyall has her own set which she can lose at her own free will. I have my own set, which Lyall will ‘borrow’ when she loses hers, and the guard has a set for when both mine and Lyalls go missing!

It cost only 9 ringgit (£1.62) for 3 sets of keys and only took 5 minutes to cut, so the next time you need keys cut, it’ll be cheaper and faster to come Malaysia that it will be to go to Timpsons!


  1. Katy Smith · February 8, 2017

    So glad to hear you won’t have to sleep in the laundry or classrooms.  I’ll give your Mum a pile of keys to have cut for me when she comes to visit. Ha Ha!  Glad all going well. I can’t believe it’s 6 months since your adventure began. Only six months more to do and I bet it will zoom past.Kxxxx Katy Smith

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kara Findlay · February 8, 2017

      Hope not but anything can happen! I know, it’s crazy and gone so fast already. I’ll be home before I know it!xx


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