holiday with the fam // 8 months down, 3 to go!

Yup, you read that right. Today marks our 8 month anniversary. 8 months! I know, it does not feel that long.

This past month has been another month of holidays – it’s a hard life being a teacher! First there was Hannah coming to visit; then there was Singapore and Bali; and I’ve just had a holiday with mum, dad and Emma.

I’ve told you all about my time with Hannah, and you’ve read all about our holiday in Singapore and Bali, so let me tell you all about the rest of the fams visit..

On Friday 31 March, I escaped from school and got the train to meet mum, dad and Em. They had been standing waiting in the middle of KL Sentral for almost an hour, and then my train was delayed! But of course, there was tears shed (by mum) when I eventually arrived.



We went to the Irish bar the rest of us have become acquainted to for dinner, and there were hugs and high fives all round when I walked in!


My ‘first legal drink’

The next day, we went up to the Batu Caves. I swear they’ve lost a few steps because it was a lot easier this time than it was when we did it way back in August. We also went up the Petronas Twin Towers, which were struck by lightning as we were standing on the walk-way between the towers! We all need a bit of thrill-seeking in our lives!


Emma? That you?

We flew to Singapore on the 2nd of April. Dad was gutted because Coldplay was playing there just a day or two before!

Singapore was a jam-packed couple of days. We managed to work the trains like the locals; we sat aboard an open-top bus; we walked…a lot; we went on a London Eye type thing; we got a cable car over to Sentosa; went to Universal; got free ice cream at Universal (highlight of the holiday); I almost got kidnapped by Elmo at Universal; met Shrek and Fiona at Universal; went up the Sky Tower; got the cable car back to the mainland; went to Raffles; went to Clarke Quay; went to Gardens by the Bay and watched a light show.

Well done if you managed to read all that!

Next stop on our whirlwind tour of Southeast Asia was Thailand. While we were up in Chiang Mai, can you guess were Coldplay were? Down in Phuket! Unamused Dad Part 2!

Thailand was pretty chill compared to Singapore. We went to the elephant sanctuary; got harassed by all the hotel staff who just kept bombarding us with free food (I am currently feeding half the school with this food!); went to a temple; and went to a night market. It was nice seeing a different part of Thailand, but all parts are very similar.


On the 10th, we flew from Chiang Mai to KL, then KL to Penang. We spent quite a of time just wondering around Georgetown. We went up some big tower and ended up standing on floor made of glass. Thankfully the glass didn’t break and we’re all still here to tell the story! We spent a day just chilling in the pool at the hotel, and went up Penang Hill to try and watch a rather cloudy sunset.

We were meant to be getting the train back to school on the Thursday, but there was too much to do in Penang so we stayed for an extra night. We went on an open-top bus around different parts of the island.

So on Friday, we got the train to school. I took the 3 of them around the campus and to meet some of the students and teachers.


Dad’s not in to the ‘freestyle’ pose apparently

We got the train back to KL that afternoon and decided to meet Hannah and Erin in the Irish bar for dinner.


We’re on first name terms now!

On Saturday, we went up the KL Tower which I didn’t even know existed until they told me about it! Mum, dad and Emma left to go to the airport after a series of hugs and tears and pleas for me to go with them. I chose staying in KL and going back to the bars instead!


It was great seeing them again and as dad told me yesterday, it’s only about 14 weeks until I see them again!


Now you must be wondering: “is she actually going to do any work now?”. That is a very good question! This weekend is a long weekend, so we’re going to KL again to meet the others. Were also going back the following week to meet Reagan and Busby as they can’t make it this weekend. We’re working almost the full of May before our next holiday starts on the 26th! We’re going to the Perenthian Islands, Borneo, Genting Highlands and Malacca. We have 2 weeks at school before another holiday! We are planning to go to Langkawi and the Cameron Highlands during that time. We’ll have another couple of weeks at school, then it’ll be time to come home.

So in exactly 101 days, I’ll be back on good Scottish soil! See y’all then xo