10 Months!

You normally only get 1 post a month but here you are getting several this month! This is the second, but there’ll be more to come soon.

Today marks 10 months since being here, and only 40 days until I’m home.

I’m currently on a train back to school after spending the weekend in KL. One of my friends has been travelling since January and arrived in KL on Friday so I gave her a whistle stop tour of the city before she flies home tomorrow. It was great catching up with her again and hearing all her stories. She was also very impressed with the VIP treatment I get at Healy Macs!

Last night, we met Holly and her friend, who has also been travelling, and Lyall who had an unplanned trip to KL after she was left stranded in Penang. Trust her to be the one to miss her train back to school!

That’s all that’s happened since my last post so not much to update you on. We have school this week before heading off to Langkawi on Friday. 

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